Saturday, April 17, 2010

...I was kind of obsessed with lists?

Yesterday was a good day. Want to know the secret behind a good day? Finding a really awesome bookstore:

For those of you in the Salt Lake area- I highly recommend Sam Weller's Books. It has a slight taste of Powells books (which I'm also obsessed with. It's fine.) with a Utah twist (where else would you find LDS Conference reports from the 1940's. Really.) and I love it.

So... what makes this store so great?

The giant room that says "All blue tagged books $1". That was the end. I found this awesome book called "The Book of Lists" (refer to the title of this post). Don't worry, Rick and I read it for a while (maybe I kind of made him read it with me- but it's fine.) then because it was blue-tagged and I just happened to have exactly $1.07, I bought it.

You don't think I would leave you hanging and not give you a little taste?

So, for your enjoyment, a sampling from "The Book of Lists":

The Ten Most Landed-upon Monopoly Spaces:

  1. Illinois Avenue
  2. Go
  3. B. & O. Railroad
  4. Free Parking
  5. Tennesee Avenue
  6. New York Avenue
  7. Reading Railroad
  8. St. James Place
  9. Water Works
  10. Pennsylvania Railroad


Abigail Van Buren's Readers' 7 Most Unusual Problems

  1. "I'm a bus driver and want some information on how to become a shepherd."
  2. "I want to have a child but don't even have a boyfriend. Can you line me up with somebody?"
  3. "I hear there is life after death. If that is true, can you put me in touch with Uncle LeRoy Albert from Victoria, Tex.?"
  4. "Will you please send me all the information you have on the rythm method? I'm learning how to dance."
  5. "I'm a 50-year-old widow and my doctor says I need a husband or the equivilant. Would it be alright if I borrowed my sister's husband? It's all right with them."
  6. "My husband burns the hair out of his nose with a lighted match. And he thinks I'm crazy because I voted for Goldwater."
  7. "I can't trust my husband. He cheats so much I'm not even sure if my last baby is HIS."

Awesome, right? I think so.

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